Monday 25 July 2016

Article : High Blood Pressure Patient Diet Plan in Indian Way

High blood pressure is a very common health issue in India. Blame it to the changed lifestyle or pollution or competitive world, most Indians get affected by the stress. This Indian diet plan for high blood pressure will help you manage your hypertension. This indian diet plan for high blood pressure will also help you in delaying or preventing the related health issue and cardiac ailments.

If your blood pressure usually gets a reading of 140/90 for more than two weeks, then you probably suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. Most of the times, a person having high blood pressure doesn’t experience any symptoms. In fact many patients may not experience any symptoms at all for years. Very rarely few patients feel dizzy, have headaches and also get nose-bleeds. Chronic hypertension puts a lot of stress on the blood vessels and muscles of the heart.Hypertension if left untreated, can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

There are many factors that can lead to high blood pressure, most of which are indicative of an unhealthy lifestyle. Let’s take a look at the causes of high blood pressure:
  • Eating salt in excess
If you consume salt in excess, your blood pressure is most likely to be on the higher side. This is because excessive consumption of salt leads to sodium imbalance in the body. This is followed by fluid retention. This puts pressure on the arteries of the heart and makes the blood pressure rise.
indian diet plan for high blood pressure

  • Lack of Physical Exercise
 An inactive lifestyle also contributes to a high blood pressure .Lack of physical activity can make you gain weight and you might become obese over time.
  • Lack of Roughage in the Diet
If your diet lacks roughage such as fruits and vegetables, your blood pressure is more likely to rise. This is because fruits and vegetables contain various vitamins and minerals. Nutrients like potassium helps to control the blood pressure levels.
  • Obesity
People who are obese or overweight are more prone to get hypertension. The excess weight around their bodies requires more effort for the blood to get circulated. This puts undue pressure on the heart.
indian diet plan for high blood pressure

  • Diabetes
Diabetes can increase the risk of high blood pressure since it narrows down the arteries and causes the blood pressure to rise.
  • Drinking Alcohol in excess
Drinking alcohol in excess raises the blood pressure levels and heavy drinkers suffer more than the others.
  • Eating too many fats
Consuming lots of fatty and fried foods increases the blood cholesterol levels and makes the blood pressure to rise.
Indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Too much sugar
Most people are of the opinion that consuming excess salt causes the blood pressure to rise. Well, consumption of excess sugar can also cause high blood pressure. Sugar raises your heart rate and leads to insulin resistance, which can cause a lot of damage.
  • Heredity
Many a times, high blood pressure is hereditary and runs in families. If some members of your close family suffer from hypertension, you are most likely to inherit it.
  • Smoking
Excessive smoking damages the arteries and raises your blood pressure levels. It hardens the walls of the arteries and makes the blood form clots.
indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Aging
As you age, the flexibility of the blood vessels is decreased and this puts more pressure on the heart leading to high blood pressure.
How to Prevent High Blood Pressure ?
In spite of all the above reasons that can cause hypertension, it is possible to control high blood pressure. A few ways by which one can control high blood pressure are:
  1. By making dietary changes
  2. By limiting the intake of salt
  3. By maintaining a body weight
  4. By indulging in physical activity regularly

Indian Diet Plan for High Blood Pressure

Here is a sample chart of Indian diet plan for high blood pressure. This Indian diet plan for high blood pressure provides you around 1500 calories and can be followed if you are looking for managing your weight as well as hypertension.
                                              EARLY MORNING
Roasted Flax seeds  / Sunflower seeds1 tsp—–——
Tea (without sugar)1cup354
Total calories-91Protein – 4
Stuffed Carrot / spinach  paratha (whole wheat flour)2 small2707
Curd (Avoid  adding salt, you can add jeera powder)1 cup / 50 gms301.5
Total calories-300Protein-8.5
2 Egg White omlette with capsicum(2 egg white )1507
Brown Bread Slice / 1 Roti2 no. / 1 no.1003
Total calories-250Protein-10
                                              MID MORNING
Apple / Banana / Guava / Grape fruit / Orange1 med (50- 60 gms)40
Green Tea (No Sugar)—-—-——
Vegetable brown rice pulav / Vegetable Oats Upama1 soup bowl (50 gms uncooked)2503
Cucumber , carrot , beetroot and onion raita1 bowl753.5
Mix veg salad1 bowl302
Total calories-355Proteins-8.5
Chappati / Phulka (little or no fat )3 medium size2559
Capsicum / lady finger / parval / torai / Bottle gourd  veg1 med bowl701.5
Dal /  drumstick sambar1 med bowl1306
Salad1 med bowl302
Total calories – 485Proteins – 18.5
10 minutes,walk post lunch + 1 cup warm water with lemon / Green tea (no sugar)
Green tea / Tea / Coffee (without sugar) / beet root juice1 cup354
Puffed Rice (unsalted ) / 2 wheat rusks  / water melon1 bowl1003
Total calories-280Protein-7
whole wheat flour chapati / phulka3 medium sized2559
Mix veg / drumstick  / palak vegetable1 med bowl701.5
Curd / kadhi / dal1 small bowl301.5
Total calories-435Proteins-14.5
10 minutes,walk post lunch + 1 cup warm water with lemon / Green tea (no sugar)
Cow’s Milk (no sugar)1 cup752
Soaked almonds4 no.203
TOTALTotal calories=1546Total protein=50
The above mentioned Indian Diet plan for high blood pressure is a sample plan of what kind of food one must eat in order to control high blood pressure.  The foods included in the chart will help you control your blood pressure to great extent.

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Indian Foods that Help to control High Blood Pressure

Here are the details of how some of these foods that are included in the sample Indian diet plan for high blood pressure, helps.
  • Flax seeds – It helps in lowering the elevated blood pressure. Flax seeds prevent from cardiovascular diseases and helps in lowering bad cholesterol.
indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Sunflower seeds –  Sunflower seeds are nutrient packed and they help in lowering high blood pressure. Sunflower eeds also protect against heat diseases.
  • Watermelon – Watermelons helps in lowering the elevated blood pressure with an amino acid called L-citrulline. It is packed with lycopene and fiber and helps in promoting heart health.
Indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Beetroot – The nitrates in beet root improve blood flow by helping the blood vessels to relax. According to an Australian research, Beet root can lower systolic pressure by 5 points within a few hours.  
Indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Spinach – Spinach is super rich in minerals , specially potassium and helps in maintaining blood pressure near normal.
  • Whole grains (brown rice / whole wheat flour / Oats ) –  whole grain have multiple health benefits . and maintaining blood pressure near normal is just 1 of them .

Hope  you have now understood the importance of including these foods in your Indian diet plan for high blood pressure.

Dietary Changes to Maintain Normal Blood Pressure

In order to maintain normal blood pressure levels, various dietary modifications will have to be made. However, one can easily avoid medication of high blood pressure by taking some precautions while eating:
  • Eat a low sodium diet – Eating a low sodium diet doesn’t mean simply adding less salt to your meals; it also indicates consuming less of processed foods. This is because processed foods, canned foods and fast foods contain a high amount of sodium which affects the blood pressure adversely.
  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet – Eat lots of fruits and vegetables since they are rich in potassium and this mineral helps to lower the blood pressure. Fresh fruits are also rich in sodium, magnesium, calcium and anti-oxidants and together these help to control the blood pressure levels. Some useful fruits are apricots, bananas, avocados, melons, oranges, lemons, prunes, grapefruit, dates and raisins.
Indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Limit your alcohol intake – Most people know that moderate amounts of alcohol can help to lower your blood pressure levels but people interpret this act the way they like. They drink alcohol in excess and this affects the blood pressure adversely. Limit your alcohol intake to a maximum of 2 per day to keep your blood pressure under control.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake – Although caffeine raises your blood pressure levels very slowly, it does have a negative effect when consumed regularly. Also, the amount of caffeine you drink also makes a huge difference. One should not drink more than 200 mgs per day. You may take in one shot or divide it in to 2-3 small shots.
Indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Stop smoking – The nicotine that is emitted from cigarette smoke is really dangerous, not only for your lungs but also for your heart. If you are smoke, you are not only endangering yourself but also all those around you. Quit smoking as soon as you can.
  • Eat only whole grains – Eating whole grains is as effective as anti-hypertensive medicines, since they contain lots of potassium and thus help to control blood pressure. They also contain many other nutritious elements such as fiber, selenium, magnesium, folate and iron. One should eat at least 85 Gms of whole grains such as oats, wheat, brown rice, popcorn, quinoa and breakfast cereals.
  • Avoid fats – Excess of cholesterol and bad fats clogs the arteries. Limit your intake of fat and consume only good fats. Choose foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Try steaming, baking, grilling and boiling over frying foods. Food can easily be cooked with a very small amount of fat. It might not taste as good initially but this is what is good for your heart. Replace full fat yoghurt with low fat yoghurt.
  • Eat lean meats – Avoid red meats. Consume chicken and fish that contains omega-3 fatty acids. Bake, roast and grill the poultry but avoid frying. Salmon, tuna and herring are heart-healthy varieties of fish.
Indian diet plan for high blood pressure
  • Limit your intake of sugar – Consume only natural sources of sugar such as fruits, raisins, dates and maple syrup. Avoid aerated beverages and packed juices since these contain a lot of sugar. Avoid unnecessary snacking and don’t eat huge portions. Try not to consume foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. This includes ketchups, crackers and soft drinks.

Lifestyle changes to Maintain Blood pressure

Apart from the above dietary changes from your Indian diet plan for high blood pressure , you also need to inculcate certain lifestyle modifications to keep your blood pressure within the normal range
  • Exercise daily – Regular physical exercise can go a long way in bringing your blood pressure levels down. It improves the blood circulation and also lifts your mood.
  • Watch your weight – Keep a close eye on your weight and make it a point to maintain it within limits. Lose all that extra weight around your waist and prevent yourself from becoming overweight.
  • Monitor your blood pressure – You may buy a blood pressure monitor and check your blood pressure regularly to keep track of any irregularities.
  • Keep stress at bay – Try to keep stress at bay so that tension and anxiety do not affect your health in any way.
This Indian diet plan for high blood pressure will help you in maintaining your blood pressure near normal. d you can slowly get rid of your medicines as well. In extreme cases, patients might still have to consult a medical practitioner. Some medications along with dietary modifications will help to keep blood pressure under control.  Please feel free to leave your doubts and queries in the comment section. We would love to be of help to you.

