Tuesday 26 July 2016

Article : How to Remove Waistline Fat | Lost Fat from Love Handle

Wondering what are love handles? Just take a look at your waistline. Do you see that extra flab on the side of your tummy? Well, those are your love handles! Interesting as the name is , It is very difficult to lose love handles.  Love handles do not only trouble the overweight person , But people who are in their right weight too might have love handles.  Love handles are one of the most embarrassing and frustrating part of a person’s body. Unless you wear really lose clothing, people see the ‘tyres’ at the side of your tummy. Most people look older than they actually are, because of their love handles.

Why do you get Love Handles?

If you are wondering how you got the love handles in the first place , Here are some of the most common causes of love handles:
  • Consuming too many calories
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Lack of exercise
  • Eating too much of junk food/fried food/sugars
  • Stress
These are the common causes of love handles . Well reasons of  gaining fat at waist or getting love handles are different when it comes to  men and women.  here are a few to list.
Causes of love handles in men:
  • Consuming alcohol in excess
  • Low testosterone levels in the body
  • Insufficient proteins in the body which leads to sugar imbalance
  • By following a sedentary lifestyle
  • Over development of abdominal muscles due to weight lifting
Causes of love handles in women
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Menopause
  • Women who suffer from PCOD also have certain hormone imbalances that cause love handles
  • Aging
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How to lose love handles

It is quite a challenge to get in to shape when you have love handles to trim from the sides of your waist but it’s not impossible as well. There are some slight changes that you need to make in your lifestyle so that you can lose love handles fast. Here are a few ways to get rid of love handles:

Tips to follow at home to Lose love handles fast  

  • Sleep for at least 6-8 hours at night
If you stay up till late, your body produces excess of the hormone cortisol and you gain weight around the waist. A sound sleep of at least 6-8 hours each night is the key to lose weight. When you stay up till late, you also indulge in unnecessary snacking. Also, if you wake up sleepy, you feel tired all day and tend to eat more, thus leading to gain in weight!
lose love handles

  • Exercise regularly
Get in the habit of exercising daily. You need to do specific exercises which strengthen the abdominal muscles and burn fat. One exercise is to bicycle since it works on the love handles. Doing sit-ups is another way of burning the fat on the waist. You may even use a hula-hoop. Try not to miss your exercise regime for anything.
lose love handles

  • Avoid stress
Relax and take some time out for yourself to rejuvenate yourself and avoid stress. When you’re stressed, there is overproduction of the stress hormone which leads to weight gain around the waist. Do not follow a very hectic schedule. You must allot some time for leisure activities and enjoy the company of friends and family.
lose love handles

How to Lose Love Handles with Diet 

  • Eat healthy foods
Eating healthy foods is one of the most important things that you can do to lose love handles fast. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables since they provide a lot of satiety value and decrease the storage of fat in the belly. Also, they contain various important nutrients and are fat-free. They are high on fiber and water. Fiber doesn’t add to your calories and eases bowel movement. Eat fresh fruits which are seasonal since they taste much better than those that are off-season.
lose love handles
  • Eat small frequent meals
 Eat your meals regularly and do not indulge in binge eating. If you skip meals and eat after long duration. At this time the body is really starved and you eat big portions in one go. This makes the blood sugar levels shoot up instantly. This in turn gives rise to love handles. Eat small frequent meals. Small portions are digested easily and don not lead to weight gain.
  • Drink plenty of water
 You must drink sufficient amount of water every day. Lack of water not only dehydrates the body but also increases your stress levels. Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. It would be worthwhile to start your day by drinking a big glass of water just as you wake up.
  • Eat only whole grains
 Avoid eating processed foods and fast foods as these contain lots of preservatives, corn syrup and they give you lots of calories and thus lead to gain in weight. They don’t get digested easily and get accumulated around your waist. Eat only whole grains since they contain lots of fiber and less of calories. Do not eat fast food. Although its time consuming, it’s much better to cook food at home. It’s healthy and fresh. Avoid sugary drinks like squashes, aerated drinks and colas as these are simply syrup-laden and only add to your weight. They have almost no nutritional value.
lose love handles
  • Eat only healthy proteins and good fats
 Include lots of lean protein sources in your diet such as lean meats, chicken, tofu, eggs and legumes. These contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids which are essential to lose love handles. They also contain good fats which keep a check on your weight and don’t increase your cholesterol levels. Vegetarians can take green leafy vegetables. Avoid foods with trans fats such as bacon, lunch meats and sausages since these are bad for your health.
lose love handles

Tips for men to lose Love Handles 

  • Keep a check on your calorie intake
Be true to yourself and say no to every day office parties and get together with friends. It’s ok to meet people and indulge once in a while but do not make it a habit. Do not eat too many fried foods and sweets since they are going to show up on your belly very soon.
lose love handles
  • Reduce your alcohol intake
 Occasional/social drinking is fine but do not consume alcohol in excess. It contains lots of sugars and increases your blood sugar levels, which increase the amount of fat in your belly. Choose alcoholic drinks that contain less sugar such as wine. Be strict with yourself and limit your alcohol consumption.
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 Hope the above mentioned tips help you to lose your love handles . All the best 🙂

