Saturday 25 June 2016

Fitness Model Lindsey Renee Talks With


Quick Stats:

Age: 27
Height: 5’6” – 168 cm
Weight: 120 lbs – 54 kg

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

As a child I was always active. My sports of choice were softball, basketball, volleyball and competitive cheerleading. They kept me active and fit. As I moved into my adult years and relocated to Miami, Florida I kept my figure by working out and eating clean. But that was not enough, I had an itch and I wanted to take my training to the next level! With my competitive heart I wanted to challenge myself and the next thing I knew I had a trainer who was prepping me for my first ever NPC show. That was all it took, I was hooked! I walked onto the stage and knew my sweat and hard work paid off. I placed 2nd at the Dexter Jackson Classic.
However, now I continue to want more for myself. I am pursuing my Pro Card and helping others learn how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Where does your motivation come from?

My mother was diagnosed with Leukaemia when I was 10 years old. She fought this battle for 18 long years. Over the course of her illness, my mom had a bone marrow transplant, two hip replacements, a shoulder replacement, and a lung transplant. She endured the oxygen machine, chemotherapy, radiation—you name it, she did it! Over ten years ago, she was on life support and was told she only had 48 hours to live. Those words didn’t mean a thing. Her will power and mental strength is what mattered. She was soon walking on the treadmill and completing daily physical therapy activities. It wouldn’t matter if she was only walking 20 steps a day, as long as it was better than the day before.
During her recovery, she taught my younger brother and I the importance of health. My mother touched more lives than I can count. The doctors scheduled her physical therapy sessions around patients who needed motivation to keep going.
She would work out with them and build their confidence with the determination she had fuelling her fight to live. She lived a happy life for quite some time. Her drive allowed her to survive 18 years longer than the doctors ever thought possible. Why? Because she made no excuses. She didn’t ask questions like, “Why me?” This was the life that was planned for her, as hard as it was to understand. She may have suffered, but she “suffered well.” She was able to enjoy time with our family, watched sporting events, and took family vacations. She made every minute worthwhile. Watching my mother fight for every breath made me stop and realize how blessed I am to have good health! Her battle came to an end this past February.
My mom motivates me daily to get up and take full potential of my physical and mental abilities. I’m allowing her to live through me as I continue on this journey. She is the fuel to my fire.

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

  1. Deadlifts – They are by far one of my favorite exercises and I have an obsession with the glute/ham tie in that are a result of them, there is nothing sexier!
  2. Lunges – One of my favorite exercises for shaping my glutes and lower body. Lunges require each leg to work individually.
  3. Arnold Press – This exercise focuses on both the front and side deltoids and is by far my favorite shoulder exercise!

What workout routine has worked best for you?

Full Routine:

Monday: Chest/Biceps/Shoulders/Abs

  • Chest Press 3×12
  • Dumbbell Fly’s 3×10
  • Cable Cross Overs 3×10
  • Barbell Curls 3×12
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls 3×10
  • Alternating Dumbbell Curls 3×12
  • Side Lateral Raises 3×10
  • Front Shoulder Raises 3×10
  • Arnold Press 3×12
  • Leg Raises (on the bench) 3×15
  • Stability Ball Crunches 3×15
  • Oblique Stability Ball Crunches 3×15
  • Kneeling Cable Crunches 3×20
Cardio: 30 minutes of Cybex Arc

Tuesday: Legs/cardio

  • Smith Machine Squats 3×8
  • Smith Machine Sumo Squats 3×8
  • 2 minutes of Lunges on the Treadmill
  • Leg Press 3×15
  • Seated Leg Curl 3×20
  • Deadlifts 3×15
  • Dumbbell Lunges 3×20
  • Leg Extensions 3×15
  • Hack Squats 3×15
  • Leg Press (close feet) 3×15
Cardio: 30 minutes Stair Masters

Thursday: Back/Triceps

  • Overhead Lat Pushdown 3×10
  • Lat Pull Downs 3×10
  • Seated Machine Rows 3×12
  • Seated Cable Rows 3×12
  • Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows 3×10
  • French Press 3×12
  • Skull Crushers 3×10
  • Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdowns 3×12
  • Tricep Cable Extensions with Rope 3×12
Cardio: 30 minutes Cybex Arc

Friday: Legs/Shoulders/Abs

  • Leg Press 4×12
  • Smith Machine Squats 4×10
  • Leg Curls 4×15
  • Leg Extensions 4×15
  • Side Lateral Raises 3×12
  • Front Shoulder Raises 3×10
  • Dumbbell Posterior Deltoid Raises 3×15
  • Dumbbell Shrugs 3×15
  • Seated Dumbbell Press 3×12
  • Cable Crunches 4×20
  • V – Ups 3×15
  • Bicycle Crunches 4×12 (each side)
  • Leg Raises on Bench 3×15
Cardio: 30 minutes Stair Masters

What is your diet like?

  • Meal 1: 4 Egg Whites, 10 pieces of Asparagus & 2 oz. Sweet Potato
  • Meal 2: 4 oz. Turkey Breast & 10 pieces of Asparagus
  • Meal 3: 3 oz. Lean Red Meat, 2 tbsp. of Red Rice, 3 oz. of Brussels Sprouts, 1 cup of Spinach with Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar
  • Meal 4: 3 oz. Chicken Breast, 2 oz. Sweet Potato & 2 cups of Green Salad
  • Meal 5: 4 oz. Orange Roughy, 1/2 cup Broccoli & 5 pieces of asparagus
  • Meal 6: Plain Microwave Popcorn & Platinum Hydro Whey Protein Powder

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I like to use a combination of both. HIIT is especially great for cutting and it usually consists of sprints, side shuffles, and a variety of plyometric exercises. I never do the same cardio session two days in a row. It’s always good to keep your body guessing.
I also like using the Stairmaster and I’ll change my step or position every minute or so.

What is your supplementation like?

My supplementation consists of:
  • Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro whey (Protein)
  • Optimum Nutrition Platinum Pre (Pre Workout)
  • Optimum Nutrition Essential Amino Energy (BCAA)
  • Vitamin E
  • Glutamine
  • ZMA

Favorite Quote?

“Your life is made of two dates and a dash. Make the most of the dash.”
Instagram/Twitter: @lindseyreneefit

