Ross Dickerson, originally from London, was brought up in the US from a young age. Having moved around a lot, finding his way in life was tough. Things changed when he moved back to London a few years later and finally joined a gym. From there, he observed others and let himself get inspired by people in good shape… this would be the path he would follow. Still training in the same gym he walked into as a 9 stone guy in 2008, Ross Dickerson is now a successful WBFF Pro, a personal trainer and a model.

Since being involved in BodyPower in April 2013, his commitment and enthusiasm for being an active part of the fitness industry took on a new direction as his energy levels and motivation grew. He realised he could share his experience to an audience, and demonstrate how, with commitment and determination, anyone can dramatically increase their fitness levels and change their outlook on life.
Check his interview at BodyPower HQ and be an inspired 9 stone guy as he was 8 years ago. Who knows, you may be the next athlete on the screen.