Tuesday 28 June 2016

2x Mr. Olympia Physique Champ Jeremy Buendia interview

NPC Physique Champion Jeremy Buendia Talks With Simplyshredded.com


Quick Stats:

Age: 22
Height: 5’8”
Off Season Weight: 195lbs – 88kgs
Stage Weight: 165lbs – 75kgs

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

My father was a non-competitive bodybuilder in the 70’s and I grew up watching him workout every morning at our home gym.
I was fascinated at the way his body looked and knew straight away that when I was older I would follow in his footsteps.

Where does your motivation come from?

My motivation comes from my fixation of self-improvement. I have been brought up believing that there is always room to grow and excel in every aspect of life. Bodybuilding has given me the ability to physically see myself grow and change. I hate losing and it has never been something I have been good at.
I fear losing. That fear gives me the motivation to push my body to its absolute limits and enables me to succeed and excel in this sport.

What workout routine has worked best for you?

Cutting Phase Workout:

Monday: Push day

Circuit 1
  • DB Incline Press 20 reps
  • DB Standing Shoulder Press 20 reps
  • Close Grip Push-ups failure
  • Standing Isolated Oblique Contractions 10 each side
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 2
  • Cable Fly 20 reps
  • DB Lateral Raise 20 reps
  • KB Oblique Slashers 15 reps each side
  • Side Prone Oblique Twist 15 reps each side
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 3
  • Depth Push-ups failure
  • Clean and Press 20 reps
  • Cable Crunches 20 reps
  • Isolated Accordion Crunches 15 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets

Tuesday: Pull Day

Circuit 1
  • Single Arm Cable Pull Down 15 reps each side
  • Single Arm DB Preacher Curl 15 reps each side
  • Standing Isolated Oblique Contractions 10 each side
  • Decline Sit-up with Oblique Twists 15 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 2
  • Standing Single Arm Cable Low Row 15 reps each side
  • Rope Cable Bicep Curl 20 reps
  • DB Standing Alternate Bicep Curls 20 reps
  • Lying Cable Upright Rows 20 reps
  • Cable Torso Twist 15 reps each side
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 3
  • Seated Machine Row (wide-grip) 20 reps
  • Hammer Curl 20 reps
  • Swiss Ball Circular Crunch 15 reps each way
  • Alternating Abdominal Jack Knife 20 reps each side
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets

Wednesday: Lower Body

Circuit 1
  • Smith Machine Back Squats 15 reps
  • Squat Jumps 15 reps
  • DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts 15 reps
  • Single Leg Standing Calf Raise 20 reps each
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 2
  • Leg Press 15 reps
  • Lying Leg Curl 15 reps
  • Leg Extensions 15 reps
  • Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl 15 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets

Thursday: Cardio

  • 30 mins HIIT cardio

Friday: Push Upper Body

Circuit 1
  • Incline Smith Machine Press 15 reps
  • Reverse Grip Barbell Shoulder Press 15 reps
  • Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions 15 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 2
  • Pec Dec 15 reps
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Fly’s 15 reps
  • 1 Arm Cable Tricep Kickback 15 reps each
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 3
  • Decline Chest Fly’s 15 reps
  • Seated Dumbbell Lateral Fly’s 15 reps
  • TRX Tricep Skullcrushers failure
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 4
  • DB Shoulder Press 15 reps
  • Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse Lateral Raise 15 reps
  • Front Deltoid Raise (with bands) 15 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets

Saturday: Pull Upper Body Workout

Circuit 1
  • Lat Pulldowns 15 reps
  • Concentration Curls 15 reps ea
  • Decline Twisting Sit-ups 20 reps
  • Lying Toe Touches 20 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 2
  • Close Grip Pulldown 15 reps
  • Incline Hammer Curls 15 reps
  • Decline Bench Leg Lifts (negatives) 20 reps
  • Cross Crunch 20 reps each side
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 3
  • Seated Cable Row with Straight Bar 15 reps
  • Twisting Dumbbell Curls 15 reps
  • V-ups 20 reps
  • Straight Leg Lifts 20 reps
  • Pilates Roll Ups 15 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets

Sunday: Lower body

Circuit 1
  • Single Leg Press 15 reps
  • Sit to Power Jump 20 reps
  • Single Leg Seated Hamstring Curl 15 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises 20 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets
Circuit 2
  • Weighted Step Ups 15 reps each leg
  • Walking Lunges 15 reps each leg
  • Speed Squats 30 reps as fast as possible
  • DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts 15 reps
Repeat 4x with no rest between sets

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

  1. Bench Press – I feel this exercise builds great upper body thickness all around and it is my best lift.
  2. DB Lateral Raises – Really isolates and rounds off the deltoid. A great exercise that you can really feel working which also provides amazing pumps.
  3. DB Standing Alternate Bicep Curls – Out of all the bicep exercises I feel this one the most. I have complete control throughout the whole range of motion and I always seem to get the most out of this exercise when compared to other bicep workouts.

What is your diet like?

Cutting Diet:
  • Meal 1: 1 cup of Liquid Egg Whites and ½ a cup of Oatmeal
  • Meal 2: 35 grams of Whey Isolate, 1 Orange/Apple and 24 almonds
  • Meal 3: 8 oz. Tilapia/Chicken Breast and 7 oz. Sweet Potato
  • Meal 4: 8 oz. Filet Mignon or 96% Lean Ground Beef and 7 oz. Asparagus
  • Meal 5: (Pre workout) 8 oz. Tilapia/Chicken Breast and 7 oz. Asparagus
  • Meal 6: (Post workout) 50 grams of Whey Isolate, ½ a cup of Oatmeal and 1 tbsp. of Honey

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I prefer HIIT to normal cardio because I can’t stand sitting on a piece of cardio equipment any longer than 30 mins. I’d rather bust my butt and get it over with.

What is your supplementation like?

To be honest, I don’t supplement very hard. I take the basic Whey Isolate Protein and maybe a Fat Burner pre contest if needed. I rely heavily on my diet manipulations to ensure that I come in on point. I’m open to trying supplements but I haven’t necessarily needed them up to this point.

Favorite Quote?

“Being a champion is not an action, it is a state of mind”

