Friday 1 July 2016

3000 Calories VEG Diet Plan in Indian Style For Weight Gainer

It’s a well known fact that being overweigh is a problem and we often hear people talking about it and how they want to lose weight. But then there is other extreme opposite section of people in the society who are known as “hard gainers”. For these people, no matter how much they eat, they just don’t gain weight. People attribute these to their higher metabolic rate, while others feel that they are genetically gifted. While keeping weight under control is a good thing but if such kind of people are under weigh that it becomes a problem. Its very difficult for them to gain weight. Sometimes people are so thin that it looks like they have some kind of illness. So this article for all those people who are under weight or want to gain additional weight but find it very difficult to do so. We bring to you a complete vegetarian, 3000 calorie diet plan for weight gain.
For better results, incorporate this vegetarian diet plan along with weight gaining workout routine and see the change in yourself within few months. Its not a easy plan and needs effort and dedication. You need to have eight meals in a day and follow strict diet. The results are very rewarding and you will gain some healthy weight following this plan.

Alternate Food Items and things that can be done
As one might get cynical having the same kind of meal for many days long, here are few tips to enhance your taste along with the same level of nutrition and calorie intake.
  • Places where cookies are recommended can be replaced by oats biscuits or other high fiber biscuits easily available in market these days.
  • Oats can be replaced by multigrain bread, or brown rice or sweet potato as all of them contain high fiber and complex carbohydrates.
  • At times you can have some other seasonal fruit instead of having Apple every day. This will create a shift in the types of vitamins and minerals which your body gets out of fruits.
  • Tofu can be replaced with Homemade Paneer (cottage cheese). Non-veg can add some eggs.
  • Instead of walnuts and almonds, you can sometimes have dates and cashews along with handful of Pista.
  • Some people might not like brown rice much; they can use multigrain flour chapattis for their lunch.
  • For lentils, one can cook them into different ways to keep up the interest and taste. You can soak them in water for few hours and cook them dry, sometimes make them with gravy and simply add lemon, black pepper and salt over the dry lentils and eat them as snacks while watching TV. People who are chicken eaters, can consume chicken instead of lentils if they want as chicken will fulfill the requirement of protein.
  • Tea can be replaced with coffee
  • If you are using protein shake, have protein shake in water as soon as you wake up instead of milk.
  • There are many ways to cook green vegetables, one of them is here. Chop all the seasonal (available) green vegetables. Fry them for few minutes in olive oil (highly recommended), cover the lid of the cooking vessel and keep it covered for few minutes. When the vegetables are soft enough to consume, sprinkle, some vinegar, salt and black pepper over the dish and have it. You can add some curd after the cuisine is ready to change the taste. Non- vegetarians can add pieces of boiled chicken or eggs to the vegetables.
7 components of balanced diet
When planning a diet for muscle gain one has to make sure that all the components of “BALANCED DIET” are fulfilled properly. Given below are the 7 components of balance diet and description in brief about how they are being arranged in the diet chart to meet the health requirements of a lean Ectomorph.
  1. Carbohydrates: There are 367.6 grams of healthy carbohydrates in the above diet chart making it very useful for hard gainers.
  2. Proteins: 1 grams of protein is good enough to recover from a previous workout that should be done to gain muscles mass. However the amount of protein may seem little higher, but when you are working out heavy in gym your body would demand a little higher consumption of protein.
  3. Fats: Good fat is required in our daily diet. It balances the cholesterol levels and helps in the improvement of joint and bone health. With number of other health benefits, good fats provide body with huge number calories when required.
  4. Roughage: This is required to keep the internal system cleansed. Fiber or roughage cannot be digested by our body, we don’t have those enzymes, but it cleans the whole digestive system very effectively, enabling better absorption of nutrition by the intestine. We have many meals in our diet plan where we have complex carbohydrates rich in fiber and we have green vegetables for the same purpose.
  5. Water: Our body needs 3-4 liters of water a day. For optimum health one should make sure to intake good amount of water, remember when you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated.
  6. Vitamins: The availability of fruits like Apple and Banana makes this diet chart good enough to provide body with good amount of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Minerals: Green vegetables are good source of minerals. Whatever food items are mentioned in the diet chart consist various vitamins and minerals. However one can change the fruit after every 2 days and vegetables to shift on to different vitamins and minerals.
More about Ectomorph and different body types
Ectomorph (naturally skinny), Mesomorph (naturally fit and muscular), and Endomorph (naturally fat and healthy) are the three different body types.

Ectomorphs are genetically thin, they can eat too much and they still look lifeless. They have very fast metabolism due to which their body absorbs and burns everything down they eat or drink. Their body features are thin and appear to be longer than an average men and women. Some of them are not much fond of eating, or in other words they eat specific food only. Most of the Ectomorphs are out of shape, they neither have good muscle mass nor have fat on their body; however some start gaining fat around belly at a certain period of time in their life which appear very ridiculous.
Because Ectomorphs digest and utilize food at a faster rate, they need to be fed with frequent and large meals. The importance of good fats like dry fruits and peanut butter works brilliantly for such people. It not only makes them stronger inside but also supports their blood quality and improve glow on skin and eyes. In our diet plan, we have kept everything considering the critical condition of people who try hard to gain weight but still feel helpless. Some people start eating unhealthy food items like, fast foods and oily junk, which later lead them to serious health conditions, so we never suggest people to move towards those unhealthy ways to gain weight.
One should strictly follow this diet for at least 2 months to see pleasing results. It works better when put together with a well designed workout plan. Because workout will increase the demand of protein in body, this diet chart will help in growing muscles at a faster rate.

Here is Your Diet Plan Follow and Get Back to Your Result
FoodQuantityProteinCarbsTotal CaloriesObjective
Meal # 1 – As soon as you wake up
Milk300 ml10.2 g15 g150To overcome the condition of muscle breakage because of catabolic stage.
Cookies4425 g150After sleeping for 8 hours, one should eat some quick digesting carbohydrates. Because after the fasting period of 8 or more hours, body is likely to go into catabolic stage.
 Meal # 2 – Breakfast – One hour after meal # 1
Oats100 g cooked17.0 g66 g390Slow digesting carbohydrates for longer and better energy level, rich in fiber, which cleans the intestines for better nutrition absorptions.
Homemade Paneer100 g20 g1.2 g260Good amount of protein, good amount of fat for long lasting energy source which prevents body from going into catabolism state.
1 large Apple200 g or more1 g30 g120
 Meal # 3 – After 2 hours of breakfast
Walnuts and Almonds15 g  walnuts
20 g  almonds
2.0 g
4.2 g
2.0 g

4.4 g

Both these dry fruits provide good healthy fat to the body which helps in various vital functions. This also balances the cholesterol levels and improves the blood circulation with its HDL (high density lipo-proteins)
Bananas100 g1.1 g23 g90As this meal is between breakfast and lunch, body will demand some amount of carbohydrates which can be fulfilled by banana. With number of other health benefits, banana gives a filling to the stomach and maintains the energy levels high.
Milk300 ml10.2 g15 g150Required for more protein and healthy amino acid distribution in the body at this hour.
 Meal # 4 – Lunch
Brown rice150 g4.0 g35 g170Brown rice is rich in fiber and it is a great source is complex carbohydrates. The slow digesting nature of brown-rice, maintains the level of energy in the body and keep providing continuous liveliness until the next meal.
Lentils150 g14 g30 g174For vegetarians, maintaining protein rich diet is a difficult task, but lentils can help one to maintain these levels at some extends. They are easy to cook and tasty to eat. Rice tastes good along with them.
Curd100 g11 g3.4 g100As the lentils are not enough for the protein, one can add curd to fulfill the need of protein and calories.
 Meal # 5 – 2 hours after lunch
Tea with sugar1 cup0520Good for a little boost to the metabolism after 2 hours after a heavy lunch. Also detoxify body at some level and refreshes the mood.
Cookies44 g25150Good on stomach with good calories to compensate the effect of tea.
almonds20 g4.2 g4.4 g144For the requirement of good fat and protein along with some weight gaining healthy calories.
 Meal # 6 – 2 hours after meal # 5
Green vegetables200 g12 g35 g185Green vegetables are necessary at this time as they provide vitamins and minerals to our body. They help in cleansing the intestine for better absorption and help for effective bowl movement in the next morning.
Homemade Paneer100 g20 g1.2 g260Good amount of protein, good amount of fat for long lasting energy source which prevents body from going into catabolism state.
 Meal # 7 – Dinner
Vegetables cooked with potatoesPotatoes 100 g
Other vegetables 100 g
2 g

3 g
17 g

15 g

Required to put some good amount of simple carbohydrates and missing nutritional values.
Meal # 8 – Before Bed
Milk300 ml10.2 g15 g150As milk contains good profile of amino acids and has slow digesting nature, it helps one to keep the recovery process “ON” for few more hours after the sleep.


154.1 g
367.6 g

This 3000 calorie diet chart has been already tried successfully by many individuals before and now its made available on the website. The idea behind gaining weight should be clean and healthy; one should not involve sugar, fast food and unhealthy foods in a hurry to gain weight. One should be concerned about gaining muscle mass but not skin fat, one should understand the importance of eating healthy, working out nicely in gym and giving good rest to the body at night, to grow muscles. It really requires lot of effort to change your physique, by changing the lifestyle and habits. Quit any bad habit you have, keep yourself calm and anxiety free, meditate and see changes in yourself. These changes are going to bring health, peace and prosperity, because healthy mind resides in a good healthy body.

